
March 31, 2023

I'm writing again! I can hardly believe it. I haven't written a new story in at least two years, and it has been incredibly painful not having that creative outlet to lean on. I think with the health problems I've had--the heart failure just over a year ago, then the scare with the uterine tumors and the surgeries and all of that madness--I just haven't had the mental fortitude for it. Plus I had to leave the job I've had for the past 17 years (and absolutely loved) because I can no longer do that kind of work with a diagnosis of chronic heart failure. Which means I've been sitting at a desk for the past year or so with a new work status of "permanent light duty", which I'm still trying to wrap my head around.

But I am writing again!!! I'm 38 pages into a new m/m romance novel, and it's zooming right along. It feels so GOOD to be creating new characters and new worlds like this. Kind of freeing, or maybe lightening is a better word. It feels like I'm where I need to be for a change.

All of this probably sounds a bit nonsensical, but I'm feeling happy and I just really wanted to share it with someone. I'll post more info about the novel as it gets closer to being finished. I'll be looking for beta readers if anyone's interested. :)